International Beer Day friday

Today is International Beer Day .


And as I am a world citizen I am fully embracing this celebration with a few lovely refreshing beers from my cellar



I bet our suck hole PM wishes he could hide in his cellar after his Pathetic  call to Trump was released

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If there is anymore evidence needed that the people on manus are just cattle the transcripts confirmed it all.


Have your favorite Tipple Peoples

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It will all be over in a year or so

628 thoughts on “International Beer Day friday

  1. Good morning Dawn Patrollers. Apart from a few tepid contributions in The Australian I can’t find any support in the press for the postal plebiscite. Everywhere else pours scorn upon it.

    Mark Kenny continues to pile into a weak Malcolm Turnbull. He introduces the term “PIS” – party insisted surrender.
    Peter Martin punches a lot of holes in the postal plebiscite. Have a look!
    Didn’t take long for the cockroaches to emerge. Mathew Knott reports that same-sex marriage opponents are planning an all-out campaign to achieve a “no” result in a postal plebiscite, including distributing leaflets claiming the children of gay and lesbian parents are more prone to “abuse and neglect”. Stand by for a barrage of vile bile.
    John Birmingham starts by saying “If there was ever a doubt that Malcolm Turnbull is unfit to govern, the horror-clown circus of the past 24 hours settles the matter. This bumbling coward needs to remove himself from the public realm for all time.” And it goes downhill for Turnbull from there! MUST READ.
    The strategy of the marriage equality opponents in the Coalition is to retain the conservative status quo at all costs, says Dr Martin Hirst.,10588
    Michelle Grattan on Turnbull’s unconvincing “Me Tarzan!” performance.
    Laura Tingle describes it as an utter failure of politics. Google.
    Amy Remeikis goes to constitutional law professor George Williams to be told that the postal plebiscite is a “poorly constructed vote for which they don’t have the correct procedures”. It is likely to face a High Court challenge.
    Leading pollster John Scales says he could run an opinion poll to accurately gauge public sentiment on same-sex marriage for $1 million, a fraction of the $122 million bill cost taxpayers face for the postal vote. Google.

  2. Section 2 . . .

    Today host Karl Stefanovic has unleashed a blistering attack on the Turnbull government’s continued fumbling over legalising same-sex marriage, telling politicians in Canberra to “pull your finger out… and get on with it.”
    Australia’s former top statistician says the Bureau of Statistics should not carry out the same-sex marriage postal vote, labelling it a “bad look” and he doubts it is invested with the authority to conduct it.
    Tony Wright says “Malcolm Turnbull makes his case, believing it or not”.
    Paul Bongiorno opines that gay marriage an insoluble political morass for the government.
    Michael Koziol says the postal plebiscite is fraught with danger and doubts over legitimacy.
    This Uniting Church minister explains why she changed her mind on SSM.
    Liberal MP Andrew Lamming attempts to gold plate the turd.
    The Victorian Liberal Party is investigating an influx of new members in the federal seat of Menzies, following extraordinary allegations raised by veteran conservative MP Kevin Andrews. The Victorian Liberal Party is quite an outfit is it not?
    This transport infrastructure funding proposition surely will create a backlash.

  3. Section 3 . . .

    As Turnbull prepares to browbeat big electricity retailers in Canberra, the Greens have unveiled their own plans, calling for a price cap on soaring power bills.
    Ross Gittins doesn’t think Turnbull will have much success with his summit with energy retailers today.
    The point scoring and deal making with refugees’ lives is absurd.
    Trump is the reigning king of American victimhood. He is unceasingly pained, injured, aggrieved. He’s America’s whiniest victim.
    The cost-benefit analysis of moving the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority to Barnaby Joyce’s electorate of New England has some fundamental flaws. Among other things economic costs and benefits to be borne by its employees were not addressed.
    Australian Border Force’s chief medical officer Dr John Brayley was personally told about Hamed Shamshiripour’s deteriorating mental health more than a year ago, and said he would review his care and records.
    North Korea has successfully produced a miniaturised nuclear warhead that can fit inside its missiles, crossing a key threshold on the path to becoming a full-fledged nuclear power, US intelligence officials have concluded in a confidential assessment.
    How could anyone believe that Bilson was simply forgetful in failing to disclose a $75000 lobbying salary contemporaneous with his service as an MP?
    The Greens believe they have the numbers to have One Nation senator Malcolm Roberts sent to the High Court, putting his political future in doubt. The Senate would be a better place without that dill.

  4. Section 4 . . .

    The Ibrahims. Such lovely people!
    The Ibrahims’ problems started with a dinner in Dubai.
    Figures provided to a parliamentary hearing have revealed the number of missed appointments by NBN in the 2016 calendar year doubled compared with the previous 12 months. Morrow continues to pour out the hollow excuses.
    Unions have hit back at a renewed push by the Minerals Council to limit collective bargaining, arguing it would drive down wages and prevent workers bargaining for job security.
    Will these actions by the board of the CBA be too little too late?
    Michael Pascoe writes “The Commonwealth Bank is getting better at crisis management. Plenty of practice can do that for you. The board is no longer in complete denial, as it was through the Storm Financial and in-house financial planning scandals.”
    Adele Ferguson examines the expression of “confidence” in Ian Narev.
    Gareth Hutchens reports that the embattled Commonwealth Bank chief executive, Ian Narev, will be forced to appear at the next round of bank hearings in Canberra, as his bank continues to reel from allegations of money laundering.
    Ian Narev should go: CBA can’t spin its way out of money laundering crisis write Glenn Dyer and Bernard Keane.

  5. Section 5 . . .

    Bill McKibbin writes about the Trump administration trying to airbrush the term “climate change” from official documents.
    I wonder what will come out in the wash over the mobster lobster dinner that Matthew Gut had.
    Days after an explosion rocked a Minnesota mosque, President Donald Trump has yet to publicly offer his support to the community. A silence that speaks volumes!
    The Greens could deal One Nation out of the media reform space, with the party tentatively returning to the negotiating table with the federal government writes Amy Remeikis.
    Why Americans will not vote for an atheist president.
    We need the voices of public servants in the political debate. Their free speech is in peril.

    • Fabulous Freudian slip with “Matthew Gut”, BK. And thanks for all the great links.

  6. Section 6 . . . Cartoon Corner

    Cathy Wilcox outfits Turnbull for a SSM.

    John Shakespeare and Postman Mal.

    Turnbull’s dilemma.

    Mark David and Liberal party memory.

    Great work from David Pope with a special wedding invitation.

    Ron Tandberg at the lobster dinner.

    Paul Zanetti with the giving away of the groom. A ripper!

    Mark Knight with the white House leaks.

    David Rowe perfectly sums up what the postal plebiscite will come to.

    Andrew Dyson on electricity pricing.
    Ron Tandberg exposes the hypocrisy of the postal plebiscite.
    Mark Knight launches the official stamp of the postal plebiscite.
    Jon Kudelka in the CBA executive washroom.

  7. Go, Sally!

    Unions have hit back at a renewed push by the Minerals Council to limit collective bargaining, arguing it would drive down wages and prevent workers bargaining for job security.

    On Tuesday the Minerals Council, backed by the oil and gas industry lobbyist and former Australian Council of Trade Unions president Martin Ferguson, called for a new round of industrial relations reform before the next election.

    Its wish list included reducing unions’ powers to strike over the content of workplace agreements, tightening their access to workplaces, raising the bar for anti-victimisation provisions and reintroducing individual workplace contracts for high-income earners.

    The ACTU secretary, Sally McManus, said the changes would outlaw clauses that put limits on employment of casuals and labour hire workers.

    “Labour hire is a huge issue in the mining industry and across the whole economy now – where employers will negotiate with their permanent employees then bring on labour hire workers on lower condition to get around bargaining,” she said.

    • The mining industry has become a blight
      destroying the land to extract the minerals, relying on taxpayer subsidies, failing to pay their fair share of tax and now they want to pay their workers peanuts

    • I do have a little trouble with the US complaining that other governments have tried to influence their elections.

      Here’s a few random samples of interference in other nations’ governments, from the history books…

      Iran’s PM assassinated. Pakistan’s PM assassinated. Chile. Guatemala. Honduras. El Salvador. Vietnam. Cambodia. Laos. The Ukraine. Iraq. Syria. The USSR. Australia 1975 and beyond.

      Just sayin’ ….

  8. Some background to the Victorian Liberals current leadership and pre-selection tussles as background to BK’s article on Kevin Andrews this morning
    by James Massola who usually has the wrong end of the stick – today is no exception


    and this article mentions Matthew Guy

  9. Vomit!

    Turnbull, this morning, at an inter-faith breakfast.
    “After all, that is when we are closest to God, when we love. When we open our heart and think not of ourselves, but of others”
    The rest of his speechg is just as vomitous, if you want, you can read it here –

    The man who is busy hacking away at protection for the most vulnerable Australians has the gall to preach at us about ‘love’. What a disgusting creep!

    If he wants to go Biblical, then so can I. There’s a Bibilical term that applies perfectly to Turnbull, the members of hos government, especially the appalling Michaelia Cash and also to that nasty little hypocrite Lyle Shelton.

    “Whited sepulchres”.

    I had to look it up to get the full version. Jesus had a rant about hypocrites, and what a rant it was! He was talking about the scribes and Pharisees of his time, the people who administered the law and religion. but the words apply just as well to certain persons today. The words mean outwardly attractive, clean and shiny, but inside rotten, filled with corruption, extortion, excess, iniquity and any other form of rot you care to include.

    Here’s a whited sepulchre.

    The original Jesus rant is here – you can choose your own version, but I like the King James one because ‘sepulchre’ sounds so much better than plain old ‘tomb’. The important part is verse 27.

  10. This committed atheist finds the King James Bible a wonderful work of English Literature. It covers, always in the most elegant language, a truly fascinating range of myths, and tales of gory battles, of nasty men and women, of stupid men and women, of well-meaning and courageous men and women, leading up to a story of a remarkable preacher who probably lived over two thousand years ago and who spoke of any things relevant today. The books conclude with one entitled Revelations (or Apocalypse) which had to be written by someone high on drugs, but which, like the rest from Proverbs to Psalms to the New Testament to a few gems scattered among Paul” misogyny, is a high water mark of culture

    • I agree. The more modern translations are very pale in comparison.

      You don’t have to be religious to appreciate the KJ Bible as a wonderful literary work.

  11. 31-all? So, seems they took advantage of the absent Greens after all.

    Also Tony Abbott is still a despicable proto-Trump and I look forward to when he’s dragged in front of a royal commission. I don’t care what it is anymore, I want him to go through what he put Shorten through.

  12. Ron Merkel QC advice says government exceeding authority on postal vote

    Rodney Croome’s legal advice was from Ron Merkel QC.

    He says that advice said in general the idea of a postal vote could exceed the government’s executive power and that it would be possible that the government would require legislation and a budgetary allocation before it could proceed with that.

    And may exceed the authority of the ABS.

  13. The postal plebiscite is setting the ABS up to fail so that the ABS function can be outsourced to a company owned by Murdoch or Packer or someone else

    Any one who thinks the ABS has the skill to organise the printing of ballot papers (easy) and posting them out to everyone on the electoral roll (difficult) has absolutely no idea of the volume of work and the level of audit checking to demonstrate the job has been done correctly (difficult)

    Then the ballots have to be counted, the ABS usually provides the raw population statistics 10 months after census night. Is that going to be acceptable in this instance. The ABS is going to have to develop processes to prove the ballots have all been filled in by the addressee, while keeping the addressee’s vote secret
    How does the ABS prove the vote hasn’t been tampered with and that every one on the electoral roll received a ballot paper?

  14. yup, no fucking idea

    They think the ABS can magic up staff from thin air and build a coherent functioning team in a week.

    • I’ve been happily changing electricity providers for years and every time a contract or a discount has been about to expire I’ve had letters and emails from whatever company was involved. Even when I’ve been with the same company for a few years there has always been that notification when something is about to end. I have never suddenly found myself moved to a more expensive standing offer. I have always been given plenty of time to negotiate with the existing provider or to find a new one.

      So what is all the media carry-on about?

  15. This is something I’ve been thinking about – why should the government get all the credit for allowing marriage equality when they have fought tooth and claw against it for so long?

    The Liberal Party Is Not Worthy Of Marriage Equality

    When parliament eventually does vote for marriage equality, it shouldn’t be because they tricked anyone. It shouldn’t be because of some personal vendetta. It shouldn’t be at the expense of young LGBT people’s mental health.

    Whenever it happens, it will be a wonderful day.

    The Liberal Party doesn’t deserve to get credit for any of it

  16. Bushfirebill argues correctly that US politicians whinge about Russia interfering in US elections but they themselves, continue to interfere in the political affairs of other countries, including assassinations, financing regime changes and supporting civil wars.

    What I can’t fathom is why reasonably intelligent journalists don’t ask the question of their politicians and their advisors. If they do, is the truth being edited out before publication or broadcast?

    I don’t have any trouble finding the alternative argument.

  17. An example of the other side of the bluster against North Korea. It took all of two minutes to find:

    Why the US’s 1994 deal with North Korea failed – and what Trump can learn from it

    After more than two decades of testing, North Korea finally has a missile that is powerful enough to deliver a nuclear warhead to US territory – that is, to Alaska and/or Hawaii, if estimates are to be believed. This is an extremely dangerous development, and if the Trump administration is to avoid spiralling into a nuclear confrontation with North Korea, it needs to understand what North Korea wants and why it behaves the way it does.

    Fortunately for Trump’s team, there is precedent here. In 1994, the Clinton administration and North Korea signed an Agreed Framework that froze Pyongyang’s nuclear programme and aimed to normalise US-North Korean relations. The agreement targeted many of the issues that the two sides continue to grapple with – but it soon ran into problems, and ultimately broke down in 2002.

    Now, the north is closer than ever to a full-blown nuclear missile capability, and that puts the Trump administration under enormous pressure. If the White House wants to get its North Korea policy right, it must try and understand why the US’s last best chance to resolve this crisis ultimately didn’t work out.

  18. FARRRRk

    That question from Dreyfus was disallowed. Does Labor know something?

    The state lib leader had a mobster lobster. Has the PM ever had a mobster lobster? Has there been any donations from LM and have such been put on the register.

  19. Mobster Lobster question was a brass knuckles in the gut stuff for Turnbull,

    Remember Shorten’s (?) earlier question getting MobsterLobsterGate into Hansard and aski asking I the PM has referred it to the Fed.

    This was QT ambush of exquisite execution.

    I reckon MT will be ringing home and telling Lucy to bin the prawn dinner.

    • And then it got even better –

      Jim Chalmers to Malcolm Turnbull: Why did the Prime Minister say a royal commission into the banks went ahead, Austrac’s legal against the Commonwealth Bank would have to be postponed when there’s nothing to prevent a royal commission and related court cases going ahead at the same time? Shouldn’t the prime minister know this from the HIH royal commission, which he’s very familiar with, and took place at the same time a senior company executive was prosecuted in court. When will the Prime Minister stop makes excuses to stop a royal commission into the banks?

      This is a reference Turnbull’s involvement in the HIH case


      And then – silly Chrissie Pyne said it had been a bad day for Labor. !!!!!!

  20. Fascists are everywhere:

    A fascist pilgrimage

    Some 50,000 people visit Predappio every year to pay homage to Il Duce, especially on anniversaries like his birth (July 29 1883), his death (April 28 1945), and the March on Rome, which brought Mussolini to power (October 28 1922).

  21. Something real I’ve noticed is how the raving right around the world has managed to seize the phrase “political correctness”, which essentially was supposed to be “politeness”, and turn it into a negative.

    So we’ve moved from a time where it was “polite” not to say things that make people uncomfortable in what’s meant to be a neutral, friendly place, to a time where it’s just “politically correct” to not stand up at a dinner table, pull out your pockets, unzip your fly and do an impression of an elephant.

    In these days of the culture wars, I think it might be important to fight more vigorously over the meaning of “politeness”. If only to point out to the mad uncle that everyone has that rants at Christmas about how muslims deserve to be sent to concentration camps is just being a repulsive, impolite ratbag and not carrying the honorable, bold, brave “anti-politically correct” banner.

  22. It’s a strange old world isn’t it?
    I can’t get over how obsessed some people are with others’ sex lives. Abbott and the CL crowd in my opinion have serious issues.

  23. But yeah, that’s just the thing. These people see being “anti-politically correct” as being a badge of honour. That they have managed to make a leftie feel bad is something that they feel proud about. And there seems to be less and less consequences for doing so.

  24. On Matty Guy’s (or should that be Don Matteo) meet up with the mafia.

    Maybe I’m wrong but mafia types don’t meet with anyone and offer donations without wanting something in return.

    Also I’ve been out of Victoria for the past couple of months so can anyone tell me what the Feral Scum’s coverage on this has been like. If it had been Daniel Andrews they’d have devoted two weeks worth of front pages to it and about 6 editorials demanding his resignation.

  25. Just a little something you might like.

    The jackpot came with Ozemail, the innovative ISP Turnbull and others helped to prop up with an injection of capital, and went on to yield him $40 million. He was a joint investor and chairman.Ozemail’s founder and visionary, Sean Howard, found it necessary in 2010 to clarify Turnbull’s role.
    “I do wish Malcolm Turnbull would stop claiming, as he did on the ABC yesterday, that ‘I’ve been involved in the internet since 1994 when we started Ozemail.’ The corporate entity which ran Ozemail changed in 1994 when Trevor Kennedy and Turnbull invested in it, but Ozemail itself began two years earlier, in 1992…..Malcolm initially passed on the opportunity, but on Kennedy’s second approach he decided to invest in what was by then already Australia’s largest ISP.

    It was I who, in 1992, two years before Malcolm’s investment, thought up the name Ozemail while taking a shower. I recall being rather tickled with myself for conceiving that name. And I recall showering alone

    Lots more lovely quotes in there too.

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