Aloha Hawaiian Friday Evening

(Image Credit: 7 Themes)

Bushfire Bill dropped a heavy hint earlier today on the probable activities of Boss Joe6pack and his good lady wife, and I wouldn’t mind betting that Mrs 6pack is thinking seriously along these lines . . .

(Image Credit: Medical Daily)

The Boss? Not so sure if he’d be sipping at something with a silly umberella or flower in it. This seems much more his style (the whiskey comes later in the evening):

(Image Credit: Ricastag Weekend)

I’ve not been there, but Hawaii ranges from the idyllic

(Image Credit: Maxisciences)

to the wilds of Honolulu

(Image Credit: Global Academic Network)

to lots of fun for vulcanologists

(Image Credit: Summit Post)

to amazing traditional food

(Image Credit: Polynesian Cultural Centre)

So grab yourself a lei

(Image Credit: Paradise Delight)

watch the dancing

and sit back and enjoy the sunrise . . .

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